OPNT and AFIBER start cooperation

Pressrelease, Amsterdam 13 May 2020


OPNT is a provider of highly accurate time information services for mobile telecommunications networks, high-frequency trading, power grids, homeland security, autonomous vehicles and a variety of science and astronomy research fields.

As such, availability of accurate time information is vital for our highly digitized society today and in the future.

 OPNT’s Timing as a Service (TaaS) capabilities can provide wide-area coverage at minimal cost. It doesn’t requires GPS-timing infrastructure, has availability and reliability greater than that of GPS, has future proof accuracies, is backed up by atomic clock references, and provides carrier-grade reliability.

OPNT leads the migration of timing services from GPS satellites to high-performance optical networks. Vulnerabilities and compliance issues that occur with traditional GPS timing can now be improved by adding timing services from an independent provider.

Marco Gorter – Managing Partner at OPNT “With the growing concern of governments and legislators about the vulnerability and overreliance on GPS timing, mobile operators as well as companies in financial, energy and security industries or government can now move to a GPS-independent time information provider with sub-nanosecond network accuracy over distances many hundreds of kilometers. For one of our major clients, we were looking for a suitable location for a new network node and fiber-optic connectivity to it. AFIBER took on our challenging requirements on the fiber route, costs and delivery time, and found a fitting solution based on their expertise with the Dutch fiber networks and data centers. Recently the AFIBER services were delivered to our engineering team much to our satisfaction and we are looking forward rolling out our services in existing and new markets.”

Since December 2015, OPNT has been backed by venture capital from Cottonwood Technology Fund. While being a fully independent entity, OPNT has licensed access to highly specialised laboratories and a network of international timing specialists. The solutions of OPNT integrate GPS-quality timing and beyond with the flexibility and reliability of standard telecom equipment.

With OPNT, network owners now have the unique opportunity to distribute and control better than GPS-quality timing everywhere in their own infrastructure, doing away with the inevitable third-party dependence of GPS receivers, as well as their risk of jamming and high operational expenditure.

Are you in need of a reliable and cost-effective superior alternative for your timing and synchronization requirements and looking for sub-nanosecond network synchronization? Visit OPNT today for more information, contact info@opnt.nl or call +31 (0) 20 261 57 16.

AFIBER empowers clients with software controlled, network-independent optical transmission services. We operate fiber networks with elastic optical transmission capabilities. Our clients range from national SMB’s to global enterprises with over $100bn in yearly revenues.

AFIBER services are built on the company’s core strength: leveraging technology and connectivity efficiencies to allow customers integrate, distribute and manage high performance data transport across organizations, data centers and customers more effectively.

For more information learn more or get in touch

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For more information, please contact M. Gorter at m.gorter@opnt.nl.